In July 2021 South Africa erupted. It was a terrifying time for all of us when it started, especially in KZN and Gauteng. But out of the ashes, something incredible was born. South Africans came out of their homes en-masse and protected our suburbs and citizens with a togetherness seldom seen before. It was the week we came together. It reminded us of when we all came together during the 2010 Soccer World Cup. Our Fine Line artists also helped in their respective communities where they could. To honour our local heroes in our community, ordinary men and women, Fine Line offered free Home Hawks NHW (Neighbourhood Watch) logos to those registered with the group and gave 25% off any tattoo or piercing. This was a dark time for us all with the uncertainty and fear, but it was also an amazing South African moment that will go down in history for our coming together so quickly, for our protection of each other, for doing the massive clean-ups after, for assisting those left without food and unable to shop, and for being what we are first and foremost – South Africans. One country, one people, as it should be. We will never forget the week we came together.